This Is The Year For Badass Women
Whether you're mourning or celebrating the results of the recent election, I think there's one thing we can all agree on: This is the year of the badass women. Oh yeah, and that the Biden/Obama memes that are plaguing the internet are hysterical. But nonetheless, we have set the stage and paved the way for strong women to change the face of this earth. It's nothing new, but it's bound to be unforgettable in the coming year.
So here's to these strong women who have impacted my life in countless ways. I encourage you to share this with strong women who empower you.
May we know them.
May we be them.
May we raise them.

Taylor Kiehl | First of all, let's just raise our glasses to the fact she has to listen to countless stories of incredible clients from me every night... and secondly because she works diligently each and every day to advocate for children with special needs within her school district and Central Ohio.

Mary Jo Armstrong aka "Mom" | This woman continually encourages me to go for my goals. She is the last one to leave the school building where she teaches each day. She used to be the Vice President of her Union and rallied for the rights of teachers who shape the way our future unfolds as a high school photography teacher. She loves to give her students her all... and well... she's my mom. Thanks for getting me through the aches and pains of grad school, Mom.

Beth Armstrong | Imagine calling an animal rights activist and photographer your aunt. She works in gorilla conservation at zoos and started, "Finding your voice." She believes wholeheartedly that women conservationists inspiring the next generation of biologists, artists, writers, through their personal stories of their commitment to saving wildlife can change the world. And, she's 100% accurate.

Krista Kiehl | See the badass woman at the very top? Well, she was raised by quite the woman herself. Krista Kiehl is one of the owners of the Green Door Salon in Delaware. She set her mind to her goal and took a leap of faith to get there by becoming a business owner. She works extremely hard and never gives up while loving her beautiful children to pieces. She took me in with an open mind and not once has she made me feel like I wasn't welcomed in her daughter's life.

Karla Rothan | Her official title is Executive Director at Stonewall Columbus. Her unofficial title is "Badass to end all badassery." I have the honor of working with Karla each year as the official photographer for Columbus PRIDE. She is an activist at heart and incredibly patient with others. (Side note: this photo was taken at Vowed and Proud where over 10 couples married each other at the Statehouse. How cool?!)
Need a bit more lady boss inspiration? You'll love this group.
All photos are taken by Emma Parker Photography.
For more information please contact Emma at